
The purpose of this project is to provide a simple interface for other embedded devices (ex: Raspberry Pi) to communicate with to read time-series sensor data specific to soil-based measurements.

How does it work?

  1. This device runs continously waiting for you to pull data from it.

  2. When you pull data, it will send you a JSON formatted object with all the time series data.

  3. To pull data, you must first connect to the Mikapod Soil (Arduino) device with a USB cable.

  4. Once connected, you use serial usb communication to read data from the device and write commands to the device.

  5. Once your device recieves the JSON data, you do what you want with the data.

Why did you choose Arduino?

The Arduino platform has a wonderful ecosystem of open-source hardware with libraries. Our goal is to take advantage of the libraries the hardware manufacturers wrote and not worry about the complicated implementation details.

How does the data output look like?

When the device is ready to be used, you will see this output:


When you poll the device for data, you will see this output:


How is this connected to the Mikaponics ecosystem?

This is the codebase used by the Mikapod Soil device that we sell. The realtime data is consumed by the Mikapod Soil (Raspberry Pi) device which will be uploaded to the Mikaponics API web-service.

Why should I use it?

The Mikapod Soil (Arduino) is a easy to connect and read realtime time-series data using any language that supports serial communication over USB.

If you are looking to get plant data pertainting to soil-based sensors, this is the project to use.